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post-operative complications of partial nephrectomy

Early postoperative complications:-

1.      Delayed bleeding
a. Need to work up for pseudoaneurysm with CT with IV contrast. If present, then send to interventional radiology for embolization.

2.      Urinoma
a. Place internal ureteral stent and Foley catheter.
b. If it persists have interventional radiology place percutaneous drain.

3.      Perinephric abscess
a. Evaluate for possible urinoma as a source.
b. Have IR place percutaneous drain.
c. If abscess persists then open drainage may be needed.

late post-operative complications:-

I. UPJ obstruction
occurs from excessive scarring around the renal hilum and UpJ.

2.      Hypertension
a. Incidence of delayed HTN after renal trauma is 5 %
b. This is secondary to renal compression from hematoma or
increased renin production due to ischemic parenchyma.

3.      AVM (arteriovenous malformation)


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